LinkedIn is for Online Networking.

Vee.Cards is for Offline Networking.

Build Real relationships through in-person meetings, meetups, events participation all year round with Vee.Cards Networking app.
No Payment Required
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In an era where trust can be eroded by AI, fake content, and false narratives, meeting in person becomes invaluable for building genuine relationships. Vee.Cards enhances your ability to build trust and foster professional networking offline. Whether you’re a network marketer, sales & marketing professional, field sales specialist, MICE professional, business consultant, CXO, business owner, entrepreneur, trainer, coach, trade fair staff, or event attendee, Vee.Cards is designed to streamline and elevate the way you build connections.
Solving Your In-formal meeting & Networking Challenges
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Need a planner to manage possible meetings during the event or business travels?

Create your own group, add guests (private or through invitations), shortlist, meet the people, and mark as done effectively pre-event to build your networking.

Need a research assistant to tell you more about a stranger when you meet in person?

Know your contacts and know past interactions to prepare meeting briefs to ensure you’re well-prepared for every interaction.
Find emails in just one click. Enrich vital contact details — not just email — without leaving the app
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Finding it difficult to remember the people you met during events or business travels?

Capture moments with contacts, share photos with Story Cards, and never forget a valuable connection.

What Our Users Say

An app to manage your contacts & networking with real people

Key Features

Comprehensive Contact Management

Manage your contacts efficiently with features like tagging, notes, and audio notes. Easily scan and add new contacts using our business card scanner and QR scanner.

Pre-Event Networking

Plan and organize your meetings before the event. Create groups, add guests (privately or through invitations), and shortlist people to meet, ensuring you make the most of your time.

Meeting Planner

Stay prepared with meeting briefs and detailed prospect information. Know your prospects and make every interaction count.

Stories and Moments

Capture memorable moments with your contacts and share photos using Story Cards. Keep a vivid record of your networking experiences

Digital Business Cards

Create and customize your digital business card, making it easy to share your contact information and documents instantly offline using QR codes.

Instant Content Sharing

Exchange contact data, files, and presentations paperless with QR codes, email, or social media. Keep your interactions smooth and efficient.

Swag Bag

Maintain a bookmark of links and documents collected offline QR Scans from ads, business cards, and brochures. Easily export them for future reference.